The Visit (2015)


M. Night Shyamalyan has had a pretty craptacular decade with a strong of bombs like The Last Airbender and Lady in the Water.  He manages to pull himself out of the abyss with The Visit, a very fun take on the found footage genre.  Rebecca (Olivia DeJonge) and her younger brother John (Ed Oxenbould) are children of a messy divorce who are about to meet their grandparents for the first time.  Rebecca decides to make a documentary film about the experience.  Their mother (Kathryn Hahn, Anchorman, The D Train) had a bad falling out with her parents over her previous marriage and what happened between them remains a mystery that Rebecca is set on solving.  Pop Pop (Peter McRobbie, Netflix’s Daredevil and Law and Order) and Nana (Deanna Dunagan The Big D, House of Cards) seem warm and inviting, but things slowly take a sinister turn as the children’s week long visit goes on. Continue reading